Joomla Experts

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Several of our clients have asked us if we enter into retainer agreements.  We have done so on an ad hoc basis before, but have decided to formalise and advertise the offering.

As you know, web sites require regular maintenance and updates in order to keep both the technology and content up-to-date.
BrilliantWeb offers support and maintenance services for these activities, and bills for the work on a per-minute basis.

The two disadvantages of this approach are fluctating costs, and hit and miss service levels (after all, we cannot anticipate when you are going to need maintenance, and sometimes we are really busy).

The retainer agreement tends to flatten costs and ensure speedier access to site maintenance.  As an added bonus, we'll reward your loyalty with a discounted rate!

This is how it works:

1. Set your budget

You determine your monthly retainer budget (anything from R350 upwards)

We assign maintenance hours based on your retainer budget (R350 an hour, a saving of R100 per hour)

2. Enter into a retainer agreement

Let us know that you want this arrangement, and your budget

Arrange payment via monthly debit order, recurring invoice or recurring credit card payment

3. We prioritise your work

Your maintenance work (content updates, system updates etc) jumps to the top of the client queue.

If several retainer clients request maintenance, their work is attended to in the order it was requested, but ahead of all maintenance work for non-retainer clients.

If your amount of retainer work warrants it, we can arrange a part-time or full-time dedicated staff member for your scheduled work.

For instance, if you have a monthly newsletter that goes out on the first Tuesday of every month, we can commit a team member for the Friday or Monday before the email goes out. 


  1. There is no fixed term contract, and you may alter or terminate this agreement with a month's notice.
  2. Retainer time allowances may only accumulate for 3 months.  If you do not use the maintenance hours during this time, they are lost.
  3. We cannot commit to specific service levels, as it depends on the amount of work we have on our plates at any one time, but at least you are ensured of the fastest response possible.  We will commit to deadlines for each task assigned.
  4. Support work (e.g. repairing broken sites and troubleshooting email and web problems) is not prioritised. We will still continue to deal with the most serious problems fist, across our entire client base.